How to Design Chain Drive
14th Mar 2025

Roller chain design for drives is very important, for this offers an incredibly efficient way to transmit power over wide distances with less slippage. This way, they can perform at their peak for applications where speed control precision and high torque transfer are requirements.

Concerning this, you may ask, “Should I think about roller chain specs and design for drives when the company that provides these for me shall do the heavy lifting?” Good question. In fact, the design task is carried out by mechanical companies and the manufacturers of these chain drivers.

However, as a key stakeholder in these chain drives, it is still crucial that you know how to go about the roller chain design for drives. The rule of thumb is to adhere to very specific layout guidelines, which are the following:

– Chain wrap + center distance

– Primary layout rules

– Roller chain slackness and roller chain tension for their drives

Before proceeding to those details, plus the illustrations, let’s first tackle what chain drives are.

What Are Chain Drives?

Chain drives are a kind of mechanical power transmission system that utilizes chains to transfer power from one area to the other. It is a mechanical force that transmits mechanical power in the process.

These systems are above others due to how they can maintain a constant speed ratio, thanks to their zero-slip feature. Since there is no lag in power transfer, they are great for various applications.

Plus, they also do not yield to slippage, which is fantastic for ensuring high mechanical efficiency. Likewise, compared to gears, chain drives are so versatile and very efficient.

How do you design the best chain drives? Read on.

Layout Guidelines for Designing Chain Drives

Chain Wrap and Center Distance

In most instances, your small sprocket is also your drive sprocket. The roller chain wrap, or the amount of chain with the sprocket, represented by A in the illustration below, should be at least 120 degrees of the tiny sprocket.

Remember, you can place sprockets at all center distances, and they should be aligned with each other. The best center distance is from 30 to 50 times the chain’s pitch.

Important Layout Rules

In roller chain design for its drive, keep in mind to have the centerline of both sprockets as close to horizontal as much as possible. However, the installation angle must be up to 60 degrees, seen as B in the illustration below.

Also, applications featuring sprocket centerlines above 60 degrees must have special tensioners, as well as chain adjustments to avoid the slipping of the chain off the lower sprocket.

Tension + Slack

Lastly, the tension and slack. Remember to always maintain the right amount of chain tension unless you want rapid wear and lubricant loss. Meanwhile, too-loose chains lead to excessive vibration and pulsation, causing considerable chain damage.

You may use a chain slack tool to perfect this guideline. Regarding how to measure chain slack, for average drives, adequate slack must be adjusted to four percent of the chain span. See the C indication in the illustration below.

Overall, when you need to use a chain adjustment tool to adhere to every clause in the guidelines set above, do so. You may also consult a roller chain repair kit for drives, together with roller chain repair tools, to ensure processes are smooth sailing.


Roller chains at Universal Chains are the best of the best in today’s industry. They are built with features crafted with high-quality raw materials and advanced processing technologies. Take action now for your industry. Get the best only at Universal Chains. To learn more about its whole catalog, you can coordinate with our team.


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